Team Cimarron Supply List
School Year: 2025-2026
Grades: 8th Grade
Classes: Team Cimarron Teachers
Please check the list when it populates to the vendors order list. Some items may change depending on the availability of the item. Some items may change from vendor to vendor so check that too, especially for calculators or specific items on the teacher's lists. Please make sure your cart has the correct calculator, Scientific Calculator (TI-30X solar). The teachers will be teaching lessons using the TI-30X solar calculator. Please be sure that all items are populating to your cart, and to add any missing items or purchase them elsewhere.
12" 3-Ring Binder(Team Cimarron only needs 1 for all classes)
1Box(es) of Paper Mate® #2 Woodcase Pencils(a lot) - lead if you use mechanical pencils
2Composition Notebook College Ruled, Bound, Marble(2 to 4 count), (for Science), most likely 2 will work for the school year but it's nice to have extra if it’s lost or damaged.
1Crayola® Colored Pencils, Box(es)
1EXPO® Dry Erase Markers
1Elmer's® Glue Stick(several)
1Mead® Five Star® Spiral Notebook, College Ruled, w/ FREE Study App11" x 8 1/2"
1Package(s) of Graph Paper
1Package(s) of Mead® Five Star® Reinforced Filler Paper, College Ruled, 3 Hole Punched, w/ FREE Study App
1Panasonic Earbudsmust be able to plug into Chromebook (1 pair)
1Paper Mate® Erasermate® Pens, Black(several)
1Paper Mate® Erasermate® Pens, Blue(several)
1Paper Mate® Erasermate® Pens, Red(several)
1Pencil Sharpeners
2Sharpie® Highlighters, Assorted Colors(2-3 count)
1Texas Instruments CalculatorTI-30X Solar Calculator - Students must have this exact calculator for Math Class
1Write On Dividersfor each class
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