Team Tambo Supply List
School Year: 2024-2025
Grades: 7th Grade
Classes: Team Tambo Teachers
Please check the list when it populates to the vendors order list. Some items may change depending on the availability of the item. Some items may change from vendor to vendor so check that too, especially for calculators or specific items on the teacher's lists. Thank you.
1Box(es) of Paper Mate® #2 Woodcase Pencils
1Crayola® Colored Pencils, Box(es)
1Elmer's® Glue Stick
1Mead® Five Star® Pocket Folders
1Mead® Five Star® Spiral Notebook + Study App, College Ruled, 5 Subjects
1Package(s) of Mead® Five Star® Reinforced Filler Paper + Study App,, College Ruled, 3 Hole Punched
1Panasonic Earbudswith cord for Chromebook
1Paper Mate® Pens, Black
1Sketchbook8.5 x 11" or 9 x 13" spiral bound notebook
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